This is the only photo I have of the Kiraly Baths. It would have been quite rude to take a camera in anyway. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are for men, and Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are for women. Clothing optional. We opted out....
Again, there are photos for Googling.
These baths were built by the Turks. They feel very ancient and quiet and peaceful. The little "humps" on the dome are actually very old green glass-thicker and darker than old coke bottles. Many are missing. Light comes through the little holes. If you Google photos you will see it artifically lit by electric lights inside. It looks fabulous, but it is a different fabulous than the peaceful charm of little shafts of sunlight filtered through ancient glass.
Old women come here and soak their aching bones and muscles. The men's scene is probably very different. There are several pools of different temps from hot to very hot and very cold. There is a sauna as well.
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