Monday, May 16, 2011

Lisbon-First Stop

My goal was tram 28 which is supposed to be a great way to get an overview of the city. Finding tram 28 was an adventure and used up a bit of time. Eventually I found the same group of Americans from the ship that I had seen in the Metro station and they were in the same delima. They found two lovely young girls who kindly escorted us to the tram.

One is warned that there are pickpockets in these crowded places, and luckily I was prepared. As you know, I always keep my valuables in the wallet under my clothes. Sometimes I keep small change in my pocket, and this day I did-change from my metro ticket. My particular pick-pocket was quite inept. He draped his jeans jacket over his shoulder to conceal his hand going in my pocket. Apparently he wasn't interested in small change or couldn't get a grip, because it was still there when he was gone. I considered outing him, but since I would be walking alone all day I thought better of it. I saw him a bit later telling his buddy that I had my money in the lower cargo pocket of my pants. What a looser.

Here is the view from the stop where one gets off for the castle. Refreshing after such an encounter.


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