These stones surround the Newgrange mound. I have zoomed up the contrast on some of the photos so you can see the markings more clearly. I find them amazing.
So, here is Newgrange. It's been excavated and you can go inside. There are smaller mounds in the fields that surround it, and you can see one in the hayfield across the road. There are other buildings and walls and even Celtic structures that sourround the big mound.
The Dowth mound is right next to this big house. I hope Marcia has the name of the owner in her notes. Anyway, he was a significant figure in Irish history and lived in Boston for a time. Great house and house ruins and family cemetery.
There was a battle here-basically about whether there would be a Protestant or Catholic monarch. Prots won. It is the roots of "the troubles". Win is such a relative term.