Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lyon-Sunday Afternoon River Voyage

This is the statue of the Good German. He moved to Lyon in the early 1800's and was called the Good German because he gave people money. These are the sorts of useless knowledge one gets from guided tours.

Another bit of useless information. The tourgide likened this suspension bridge to the Golden Gate bridge. Perhaps every suspension bridge looks the same. As we passed through the other side on the way home I could see the numbers, 1830-year that it was built?

St Jean from the boat.

This riverboat is how goods are transported on the river these days.

Pink gator on the Soane upriver from Lyon.

The only photo I could get of Barbe Island. It includes the shoulder of a young Italian girl. Barbe Island has a very old Abbey and Grandpere Charlemaign moved himself and his library there. There is a restaurant that we would like to visit sometime.

Fort on the Saone

Fort, Tower, and Cathedral of Notre Dame.

Palas of Justice with French flag.

I love the pedestrian levels on this bridge.

Another church.

Home of an American architect-built in his style. Have no idea what his name is. Not all that impressed with his style either.


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