Sunday, July 12, 2009

Around Holyrood

So, if you plan to visit the Queen or her palace in Edinburgh, here is the address. You might not think it was such a fine neighborhood with this address, but it is.

If you have a motor procession, these are your gates. Note that there are fortifications to prevent unwelcome motor vehicles as well.
Outer door where one goes to purchase entry tickets.
The front entrance to the palace itself. Holyrood literally means holy cross. Something to do with a fragment of the original cross, so I hear.

Around back are the gardens. The Queen had been in residence here last week and held her annual garden party. The tents were still up. 8000 of Scotlands finest were invited.

Could be a royal cat. It didn't say, but it did stop for some affection.

Back at the entrance we find Marcia.

And we exit through this door which bears the date 1861-just when our ancestors were going to war with each other.


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